• GreenInfrastructureWeek
SSE Energy Solutions | How can companies get on the road to net zero?

SSE Energy Solutions | How can companies get on the road to net zero?

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SSE Energy Solutions | How can companies get on the road to net zero?


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As well as a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars, the Climate Change Committee has called for 16 million electric vehicles to be on the road in the UK by 2030. Achieving that target would significantly help the UK meets its ambitious target of net zero climate emissions by 2050.

At this webinar, we’ll blow away the mystique that exists around making the switch to electric vehicles and fleets by outlining how businesses can get started. Join us as we delve into:

  • The many benefits of making the switch to electric
  • The technology and investment required to enable the shift to EVs
  • EV workplace charging: how to make your employees’ lives easier and show your commitment to sustainability with a simple, scalable solution
  • EV charging: innovative infrastructure solutions to support transport, fleets and communities
  • Giving companies and employees confidence that they’re driving EVs powered from renewable sources

This webinar is open to all organisations who want to find out how to get on the road to net zero.

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